Vital max keto Egg whites and oatmeal

Vital max keto Egg whites and oatmeal Pancakes made with egg whites, oatmeal, protein powder, and fat-free yogurt Combine one portion of low-fat cottage cheese and one portion of fat-free, sugar-free yogurt One serving of chocolate MRP shake Turkey burger on a whole-wheat bun Chicken breast, steamed brown rice, and broccoli Grilled sirloin steak, potato, mixed vegetables One MRP nutrition bar You are also encouraged to drink 10 glasses of water a day. You can consume one tablespoon of healthy fat a day such as olive, safflower, canola, sunflower, or flax seed oil. You can also consume small amounts of natural peanut butter and avocado. You are encouraged to take one day off a week and eat whatever you want. This plan is nice because you don't have to count calories and you probably won't get hungry eating six small meals a day. It may be hard to follow if you have a busy schedule. 6..